Saturday, August 15, 2009


I've been in Europe now for exactly one month, and so, like most of the posts here, I'll begin with an apology. I thought I could spend a couple days resting and then get back on the horse. That horse which involves me getting on with this life of the mind I've chosen. Or, more specifically a life of the mind on the couch. Not really. I haven't been completely lazy. I've been spending my time reading books I should've read long ago and writing incomplete poems and traveling. I've been to Paris now, and I'd like to go back. Maybe next time with less of a checklist of sights and more time dedicated to nothing but being in Paris. Germany, too has been explored to some degree. The Rhineland, anyway. Where all towns are fairytale towns, all roads are old roads, and all rivers are lazy ones.

This country life is nice. But I can't tell if it's beautiful here because there's something uniquely German about it, or because it looks like all countrysides. Rolling hills thick with trees and great expanses of farmfields, a deafening sense of solitude as the sun goes down. It's the sky that gives it away. The sky here is empty. There are no buildings taller than a tree and no planes fly overhead (all we get is the occasional distant thunder of a C-17 heading in or out of the American airbase east of here - O'Hare it is not). Yes, it's alright. Now, if I could only find something to do with my time. . .

Here is something from the notebook.


j darcus said...

absolutely beautiful. the writing and the images. i love how you tend to include the wide shot.

yes, travel to be there. not so much sight seeing. deeper experience in just being there..

Anonymous said...

He's back... and ready for AKTION!